Shopify is one of the leading e-commerce platforms in the world. Many people are using it to sell anything from t-shirts to handbags. If you already have a WordPress website and want to incorporate a web store, you can put your Shopify store onto your website under your domain name. It’s a simple procedure and takes only minutes to do.
Tip: if you just need a way to accept payment on your WordPress site, you can easily add Stripe payment to WordPress.
Changing Your Domain DNS records
Shopify and WordPress are two different platforms, and fully integrating Shopify into WordPress is not easy. An easier workaround is to keep using WordPress on your site and run Shopify on a subdomain, such as shop.yourdomain.com.
This method is straightforward and doesn’t require any plugin. It involves going to your web hosting provider and adding a CNAME record. Just follow along here with the following instructions.
Go to your Shopify settings and click Domains.

Now enter the domain you want to point your Shopify store to.

Now, click Follow settings instructions and you will be taken to the settings that you have to change in your web hosting provider.

Go to your web hosting provider and find the DNS settings. The exact location will vary, depending on your web host. But the settings are all the same.
Click the CNAME tab and enter shops.myshopify.com. in the Resolves to field. Remember to add the period at the end of shops.myshopify.com.

Enter the name of the subdomain (like “shop”) in the Name field. Click Create to save everything.
Now head back to your Shopify settings and click Verify connection. Shopify will verify that you have entered the proper details. If you have, your store will appear on your domain.
Bear in mind though that this is not an instant thing. Web hosts take time to update their servers and Shopify will not give the green light until the settings are live with the web host. So give it some time.

Don’t forget to dive into your web host’s security settings and set up your SSL settings. This is when you create an encrypted HTTPS setting to protect your visitors from hacking attempts.
Shopify WordPress plugins

Many people would most likely prefer to install a WordPress plugin and be done with it. However, Shopify does not appear to have an official plugin anymore. The closest Shopify offers is a Buy button for $5 a month.

It is not a plugin, but instead a few lines of code that enables you to embed a Shopify buy button on your webpage. The button connects to Shopify’s checkout platform. But it does not allow you to connect to a Shopify store. It only gives you access to Shopify’s checkout platform, which may be all someone needs.
If you are manually adding your products to your website, and just need a Shopify checkout button, then this is the best most cost-effective option.
Unofficial Shopify WordPress Plugins
While there isn’t an official Shopify plugin, there are several third-party plugins that you can try. Since they haven’t been approved by Shopify, exercise caution about what you install. You should never install anything that hasn’t been tested with your version of WordPress.
1. ShopWP

The ShopWP plugin is really expensive (prices start from $199 per year). But if you have the funds, and you are making a lot of money from your store, then you may decide it’s worth it. They have just discontinued the free version of the plugin.
You can connect your Shopify store and customize many aspects of each page, including the checkout page.
2. WP-Shopify

WP-Shopify is a no-frills free option that seems to do the job and no more. The graphics could be better, so this would be an “in a pinch” situation. But you know, sometimes simple is the best.
3. Import Shopify to WP

This is a slightly different offering in that you can transfer your Shopify store to a WooCommerce store on your WordPress website. If you want to abandon Shopify and put your products on the free WooCommerce instead, this would move everything over for you.
The Shopify DNS Option is The Best Option
Given that there is such a dearth of Shopify WordPress plugins, the simplest way to go is the DNS settings option that we went into at the start of this article. With the plugins, they are not approved by Shopify, so you might want to backup your WordPress site first before using the plugins.
All screenshots by Mark O’Neill
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