Do you struggle with getting it done? Has your to-do list grown its own to-do list? Are your plates spinning out of control?
Did you get tired just thinking about the questions above?
We live in a merry-go-round world of 24/7 constant go. Too often, we plan our lives with the same mindset. More means more, so if we have more to-dos, then we will get more done.
In business (and often in every aspect of life), less is more. When you find ways to make space, clear the calendar, or let things go, then you will get more done with the investments you do make.
How to Make Less
Just say no.
This can’t be emphasized enough. Say no to the things that aren’t in your wheelhouse or that don’t progress you towards your goals. When you say yes to things that aren’t in your passion point or job focus, you take away from those who make a better match.
Let it go.
If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get what you’ve always got. And if you want something different, you have to do something different, which means you have to let it go (whatever the “it” may be, keeping you from your something new).
Find your flow.
Know your peak work times and take advantage of those times. If you are fueled in the morning, use that time to tackle your top tasks (and make sure you mark it off on your calendar, so other things don’t consume that time). Make sure you mark it off on your calendar so other things don’t consume that time.
Once you know how to make less, you need to find your way to make more – or at least to do more where you are with what you have.
How to Get More Done
Connect activities.
You can make a meal one dish at a time. It will mean longer cooking time, more dirty dishes, and often cold food. But if you connect the cooking by balancing out the different cooking times, reusing dishes, and utilizing all of your cooking options, you’ll have a hot meal and less clean up.
If you take the same approach to your business, you’ll find you can get more done in your allotted time and space.
Connect with others.
We are stronger and better when we work together, and it’s just more fun that way. Connect with people when you need inspiration or when you need to trade skillsets. The more you invest in building relationships, the more connections you’ll have available to you.
Connect the unrelated.
Make more of what you have to do by doing other things at the same time. Carline is the perfect place to get some quick tasks done. Catch up on your reading, emails, phone calls, or notes.
Actually, any line can be a good place to make more.
When you find ways to include more in unrelated moments, you begin to make more and get more done.

What is your favorite tip to get more done?
There are times when you need to put your head down and focus on the task at hand. There are other times when you can do one thing while doing another.
It’s a matter of understanding the difference between Multitasking and Microtasking.
Multitasking vs Microtasking
Many experts warn against multitasking. If you are focused on many things, then you aren’t really focused on any one thing. There have been studies showing that multitasking takes more effort and produces worse results. Not exactly the ROI you want when you are trying to get more done.
Others will tell you that multitasking is the way to go. When you do more, you get more done. If you break down their tips and ideas, you’ll find they are MICROtasking – the act of doing small, connected activities all at the same time.
We microtask all the time. When you drive, you microtask – although you are doing one main thing (driving), you are also aware of other drivers, the music, and usually others in the car. The tasks are related or connected, so you think of it all as the singular concept of driving.
When you apply the concept to your business, you find you are driving your team straight to the success you desire.
You can get more done when you look for ways to clear your space and connect your actions. The more room you have (in your schedule and your office), the more resources you can devote to your microtasking.
Managing what you do and how you do it will position you to get more done in your day.
What do you think about microtasking in business?
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