After a slow beginning of donations to their fourth year, KidCreations has exceeded their goal of 350 activity bags.
KidCreations, the charity created by then elementary student Collin Sprouse, has been able to donate 394 activity bags to Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge. The Sprouse family happily donated their many gift bags to the hospital yesterday.
Allison Sprouse, Collin’s mother, said,”We’re so happy to report we were able to deliver 394 activity bags. That’s going to make a lot of children very happy.”
The Sprouse family is incredibly thankful for the many donations that made this year their best year yet.
“What a blessing for our family, friends, and community. Year after year, your incredible generosity and love for children makes this possible. Thank you to every one of you who have supported us,” Sprouse said.
After another successful year, the family is already making their goal to donate 500 bags next year for their five year anniversary.
From elementary school to a freshman in high school, fourteen-year-old Collin and his family have brought smiles to hundreds of children.