✅ New Full Site Editing Series using 2023 WordPress theme. Convert from Elementor to Gutenberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAJyREhM0c&list=PLzKN_iozW-I5SISYZQG6Yq5b4riV-LwEG
✅ Download Resource file: https://riadmahmud.com/wordpress-fse-full-site-editing-twenty-twenty-two-theme/
Hey, Welcome to this WordPress Full Site editing Series Tutorial. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a beautiful and Professional Looking WordPress website using the default Block Base Twenty Twenty Two WordPress theme.
If you are familiar with Elementor pro page builder, then you all know that it comes with a powerful theme builder. I personally really like the pro features from Elementor.
But now WordPress has introduced its own block base theme builder like elementor pro. Though it’s a beta version, hopefully, it will improve more in the future.
✅ Here is the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzKN_iozW-I6PkSx8AVOE9wBaoVpJxLeS
Here I have listed all the helpful resources with the paid version and free versions.
✅ Download the resource file from here: https://riadmahmud.com/how-to-create-a-travel-blog-website-using-astra-and-elementor/
✅ Astra Pro: https://riadmahmud.com/ref/astra
✅ Elementor Pro: https://riadmahmud.com/ref/elementor
✅ Essential Addons: https://riadmahmud.com/ref/essentials-addons
✅ WP Forms: https://riadmahmud.com/ref/wpforms
✅ For any help or discussion, you can join my Facebook private group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnwithriad
Using the full site editing features, you can easily create a
Fully Custom theme (Without any primary coding)
Custom header Using Gutenberg,
Custom footer Using Gutenberg,
Archive page Using Gutenberg,
Single page Using Gutenberg,
Custom Page template Using Gutenberg,
And many more features
So, if you are entirely new to WordPress and want to learn Gutenberg editor with a real-life project, then the series tutorial is perfect for you.
After completing this series tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of the Gutenberg editor.
Please note that: There it’s still in the beta version. So might be able to face some unwanted issues while working with the default theme.
Join my private facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnwithriad
for knowledge now in 2024/2/11 elementor pro is Israel product and Israel now is still killing all Palestinians citizens, women and children without any mercy.
I hope to found alternative for elementor pro and don't purchase for them because they support each other, my brother ❤
Just came to brush up the skill 😃
great video, how to get / download / prepare zip file of code to upload on themeforest, also will you create a video on how to upload block theme on themeforest what files we need to create
@Riad, Twentytwo isn't a Block Based theme, I wonder how you can make such a mistake?
Hi. Thanks for your efforts. Can I still follow this series with the current Gutenberg version?
Thanks again.
Bro your smiling is very beautiful ❤️
Congrats! Super tutorial, how about megamenu with GB?
Love you Brother.
I like your style 🙂
Hello Riad, thank you for your WP FSE tutorial series, they are excellent and helpful in keeping up with the latest WP updates. I know you put a lot of effort to produce your videos so thank so much! I'm not quite finish with the tutorials yet but I intend to watch them all 😃very carefully, it's a lot to learn. All the best my friend.😀👍
dear Riad, Many thankks for this userful video. Its great 👑💓🕊!
Very good – keep up your awesome work 🌟👑 plz do more such great videos – especially for the new version of WordPress – the 6.1 that is arriving next month!!
FSC mean Full Site Create Right?
guten berg shikle ki kaj pawa jabe?
After a long time, Missed your tutorials bro
Vai Crocoblock er Video Chai,Apner Theke Onek Kisu Sikhte Parchi,Ekhon Crocoblock niye kisu koren,Crocoblock er temon video paoya jayna.Apne Korle Onek help hoto.
Vai Crocoblock niye kisu banan vai.
onek din por ashlen
bro divi dia akta website make kora dekhiyen