In this episode, Whitney goes over 10 WordPress plugins you can use to add ad code to your WordPress site.
1. AdInserter
Ad Inserter is a free ad plugin with 4.9 stars on WordPress. It’s an ad management tool with advanced advertising features to insert ad codes at optimal positions and supports Google AdSense, Google ASd Manager, Amazon Native Shopping Ads,, and rotating banners. The plugin includes options to insert opt-in forms, header scripts, Javascript, CSS, HTML, PHP, analytics, tracking, or advert code. There’s a long list of features, which includes a list of all the places ads can be inserted. We have a video on how to use Ad Inserter with Ezoic.
2. Advanced Ads
This tool is also free and has 4.9 on WordPress. This plugin works with Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager, Amazon ads, or and is a Google AdSense partner. The plugin touts unlimited ad units and ads.txt support, and says it is the only solution with Ad Health integration and Google AdSense violation checks. This also has along list of features, including increased revenue, great support, ad management, plenty of placements, integrations, Google Ad Manager integration, conditions, and privacy and consent.
3. AdSanity
This plugin requires a purchase; they have a basic package for $49 a year, a bigger package for $149 a year, or a lifetime package for $489. This plugin can insert self-hosted and network ads on your WordPress site and is an ad rotator plugin for WordPress. The plugin allows users to create and manage ads shown on a website, as well as keep statistics on views and clicks.
4. AdRotate
Ad Rotate is another ad plugin and has 4.3 on WordPress. You can create your own adverts and campaigns with HTML and/or Javascript code or use ads from ad servers like, Blind Ferret, Yahoo! Adverts, DFP, Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager, Bing, Ads, Amazon Affiliates, Chitika, Doubleclick, JuiceAds, and more.
5. Ads Pro Plugin
Ads Pro Plugin is a paid plugin for $57. The plugin helps manage, sell, and display your advertising space and supports templates and grid systems. The tool provides display banners in more than 20 ways. The plugin touts 100% responsiveness, options to show ads on specific devices, and 25+ ready to use responsive and user-friendly ad templates.
6. WP-Insert
WP insert is a free plugin tool with 4.5 stars on WordPress. It is an AdSense/Ad Management plugin and helps publishers with custom placements of advertising code. The plugin is AdSense optimized, inserts any embed codes into the head/footer of your site, a/b testing features, and you can insert Google Analytics and Facebook tracking pixel or any other tracking code easily.
7. Ads Adder+
Ads Adder+ is a $13 plugin. The tool allows publishers to add multiple ad slots into posts, according to content layout. Features include one-click installation and activation, 22+ ad slots, ad rotation, responsive ads, and video and flash banner ads supported.
8. Insert Post Ads
Insert Post Ads has 4.5 stars on WordPress. The tool can automatically insert post ads after a specified number of paragraphs, saving you the hassle of manually inserting and has automatic Google AdSense insertion. You can select whether to insert post ads on posts, pages, or custom post types.
9. WP Pro Advertising System
This plugin is $29 and focuses on easy banner managing. Features include targeted advertising, ad rotation and transition effects, create, manage and display unlimited ads, can use Gutenberg, Visual Composer, and Elementor to create banners, and AMP support.
10. WP Advertize It
WP Advertize It is a plugin with 4.5 on WordPress. It makes it easy to insert ads on websites and define ad blocks. The tool has 17 ad locations available and allows publishers to also set up suppress ads on specific types of ads and ad locations.
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To learn more about the Ad Insert plugin with Ezoic, check out our PDF:
Ezoic is an innovative platform for intelligent websites. Ezoic Explains is a weekly video series that provides information, tools, trends, and know-how to those who write content, own a website, or operate in the digital media world.
Hi is social media traffic prohibited in ezoic
Don't worry I'm not afraid 😀
Hi, thanks for all these plugins. But I want to know a free plugin for my self video hosted WordPress site, which should I use to provide embed code for others to paste my video / content on their sites? Like Embed code generator
I have a job portal website and I want to connect it with ezoic without linking it with AdSense is it possible????
Thanks for the mention….#Wp-Insert
I have elementor website, and does Ezoic provide HTML version of code which I may directly insert Ads in pages without any plugin?