We compare our favourite three course building plugins – also known as LMS plugins. We put LearnDash, LearnPress and Tutor LMS head to head. While they all have their own strengths, there is usually one that you will find to best suit your project.
You’ll find these plugins at the links below:
https://ideaspot.com.au/learndash ✅
https://ideaspot.com.au/learnpress ✅
https://ideaspot.com.au/tutorLMS ✅
You’ll find tutorial videos where we build course with each of these below here:
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Great vid! What software do you use to screen record your videos?
Thank you so much. I love your voice.
How about Masterstudy LMS Plugins?
I left a like, Which is the best platform to use to make a realstate course. Honestly is appreciated to many IT guys seem to just blow smoke up my ass. Money is no expense here. Your input would be appreciated.
Thanks for the overview and comparisons – very clearly articulated. Your voice sounds exactly like Karl Moore from Zen 12
Not a criticism but constructive observation, you speak way too slow and too monotone and adding a bed time music as a background just just makes it that much harder to watch the video, I honestly started passing out while listening to you so I paused after 2 minutes EVEN though I'm actually quite interested in the subject but even then I still couldn't tolerate it. If you could bring some enthusiasm and energy in your videos that'd be really cool 😊 👌🏻
Are users students or instructors or both?
Man .. I started to be educated to your channel contents ..
Would love to see a Masterstudy LMS review!
Great review and LOVED the background music – best I've ever heard on a YouTube review video. Thank you!
I'm surprised Divi wasn't mentioned as it integrates with LearnDash and Tutor LMS. If LearnDash had lifetime I'd go with them, but I'm probably going with Tutor LMS.
Thanks for the informative comparison. The url given in your video to avail of discount doesn't seem to be working. I found the same prices for Learndash.
Thank you so much! Your channel has been so helpful and interesting. Keep it up 🙂
Which plugins allow subscription plan for instructor registration?
Thank you man! You have done an amazing job reviewing those three.
Great content, Alex; thank you. How would you integrate LearnPress with WooCommerce if I want customers to checkout their LearnPress e-course through WooCommerce and not through the payment part of LearnPress?
Great <3
Thank you! Very Helpful.
Thank you. This was very helpful and very detailed, you weighed the optioned properly from every possible angle.
Are these LMS's or LRS's..? Also, do these options let me upload SCORM courses and let users take the courses directly on the site? (Like uploading a course from Articulate Storyline)
Hi, which LMS is mobile-friendly without having to download or code anything please.
Very neat and clean to the point presentation. Sir, can you suggest LMS for making teachers website. Teachers can be found like courses subjects wise. Thanks in advance.
man, I love your style, great job!!
Thank you very much!! Do you know how can I create a section on each lesson where the student can take >>notes<<, like a small Word? It could be so helpfull and I'm trying hot to figure out…
hi, it is posible to add a start date manually to a couse? or a user? on learndash?
I want a program that I can time lessons and certifify cccccccccccccccccccccccccctime and comoleetion.
Thanks for making this video…could please suggest how to see all students list and activity details?
Thanks for your tutorial. I am using learndash but I have not been able to use it because of the high technicality involved. Out of these three LMS which one of them has a student's Dashboard. It looks like learndash does not have a student's dashboard. Do learnpress and tutor have student's dashboard? I need an LMS that has a student's dashboard please recommend one for me. Thanks
which one has a better quiz maker? I still feel a lot of these platforms aren't good enough for making quizzes
Hi, thank you very much for this helpfull information. Which of these plugins do you recommend me to integrate with "Ultimate Member" plugin? Thank you very much!
Would love to see a LifterLMS review in the mix!
Thank you for your video, I am still not sure which one will be the best solution, my students won't get grades, but they do need to do assignments with essay type assessments, multiple-choice and questions. I am not sure if I would do one time or subscription. Which one do you suggest?
hi whish is better learn press or MasterStudy ?
You've been verry helpfull, I enjoy the tone of voice, nice music background.
Thank you for this well documented and clear comparisson. Very chilling ambiance!
clear your throat! Great tutorial though 🙂