Learn how to build a completely custom website using WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, and Elementor. You will learn how set up your local server, create the design, and build a custom WordPress theme that works with Elementor.
The design section is sped up because it is just an example about how the design is done. You can create your own design or use a preexisting design.
Once you have learned how to build out your website, you will learn how to get it from your local server to a production server and how to setup SEO, security, and caching the right way.
Don’t worry if you don’t know much PHP. Everything you need is explained in the course.
💻 Assets (including mockup, theme folder, and images): https://github.com/thedevdrawer/sample-law-firm-template
✏️ This course was created by The Dev Drawer. Check out tutorials like this and many more
on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcr8eSk5xCfn3AbYy8WOWzg
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Intro
⌨️ (0:00:49) Designing Your Website (Speed Art)
⌨️ (0:03:03) Setting Up Your Local Server
⌨️ (0:04:50) Create Your WordPress Database
⌨️ (0:05:33) Download WordPress
⌨️ (0:06:26) Installing WordPress
⌨️ (0:08:07) Install Elementor and Theme Plugins
⌨️ (0:09:43) Creating Your Theme Files
⌨️ (0:11:57) Using functions.php to Set Up Your Theme Defaults
⌨️ (0:21:39) Creating Default Theme Pages
⌨️ (0:23:41) Install Your Theme
⌨️ (0:25:24) General Setup
⌨️ (0:32:05) Creating Header and Footer Blocks
⌨️ (1:01:25) Creating Your Home Page
⌨️ (1:35:18) Create Custom Post Type and Meta Boxes
⌨️ (1:42:02) Creating Shortcodes Using Your CPTs
⌨️ (2:16:10) Modifying Columns for Your CPTs
⌨️ (2:24:13) Create Your Menus
⌨️ (2:29:45) Creating Additional Pages
⌨️ (2:33:04) Create Single Pages for Your CPTs
⌨️ (2:51:25) Create A Form
⌨️ (3:03:16) Create Elementor Section Templates
⌨️ (3:20:00) Create Another CPT
⌨️ (4:27:18) Validate and Modify Mobile
⌨️ (4:34:50) Export Your Website for Production
⌨️ (4:46:12) Recommend Security, SEO, and Caching Plugins
⌨️ (4:48:10) Setup Security
⌨️ (4:56:25) Setup Caching
⌨️ (5:01:13) Setup SEO
⌨️ (5:08:51) Wrap Up
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I hope you find this video interesting. It was a fun project and it is versatile, so you can take the core concepts and build on it to make a large variety of websites. Good luck.
Having a nightmare trying to put the WordPress files onto the database! Really wish you hadn’t done that off screen
Does somebody know what should I do when browser doesn't see my own styles? I am sure my functions are the same as on wideo.
I could not follow this tutorial at all! He keeps going all over the place and I keep getting lost!
Unfortunately I watched about 10 minutes of this video before giving up. This site jumps straight into setting up a 'local server' without any explanation of what one is or why you should need it. Not at all helpful to those who are not already fairly knowledgeable , as is my case.
If WAMP allows you to use WP-CLI you can automate the plugin installation & a few other area's. Not for a novice, but effective for professionals/enthusiasts.
Just in case some of you have issues with elementor and wordpress 5.5.3, try changing Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks to plain (or something other than Post name). This fixed Elementor issues for me.
mysqli::real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]
mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client
Cannot log in to the MySQL server
Could you guys tell me how to solve the problem?
👏👏👏 Bravo! Awesome Course!
elementor classes not working for me
Guys, cheapest wordpress hosting for a 2-page website (very little traffic)?
How can I get my password for webmaster back? I seem to have forgotten it and I cannot access it again in any way since the site is local..
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Do I need JavaScript for WordPress??
I'm having trouble installing wamp. When I try to open it I get an error that there are certain dll libraries not installed: msvcp120 msvcr120. How should I install it?
are you using laravel?
So is this in essence creating your own theme utilizing elementor? If I downloaded a pre-made theme, would I not have to do the initial setup you did like creating function, and page files?
How can I find motivation to learn this as a developer?
In my work I am forced to use WordPress sometimes and I don't like it at all. This is so far from pure coding.
I am pushing myself and thinking "I can make a lot of money with this as a freelancer if I want to". But I have hard time progressing.
I can't seem to display the custom post type with the short code, i have done everything on the video. help!!
how to switch on vs code
with all folder 9:44
can these videos be translated in english
thank you, it was really what i was looking for
I have just made a website for a client and he doesnt want to pay. Worked for a month for 0$
Now learn how to make DDOS attacks 😀
This ain't for beginners. Everything goes so fast, it's hard to understand.
@Dev Drawe
I would like to code along with this tut BUT as i read that u will use Elementor it's kinda makes me don't want to watch.
Can i ignore the elementor part in this tut? I have my own design and would like to create a wordpress theme out of it…
Anyway, thank you for teaching 🙂