MOMO Cashapp is a WordPress plugin that helps your customers pay you using Cashapp. MOMO displays your cashtag to customers who would like to pay you using Cashapp. You get notified of the order on hold until you the money is sent to your Cashapp so you can provide the services or products ordered.
0:00 Intro
0:20 MOMO Cash App Plugin
0:43 Plugin Settings
1:54 Checkout Page
2:55 Thank You Page
3:17 Orders dashboard
This plugin DOES NOT integrate with CashApp, it only redirects and populates the order details and your cashtag into the customer Cash app so they can click pay in the app.
With over 1,350 WordPress downloads and over 400 active installations as of Jan 14, 2021, this remains the only and largest downloaded WordPress Woocommerce extension to-date
The #1 finance app in the App Store now available on WordPress. Receive Cash App payments on your website with WooCommerce + Cash App
For more details about this woocommerce extension, please visit
MOMO Cashapp is a WordPress plugin that helps your customers pay you using Cashapp.
MOMO displays your cashtag to customers who would like to pay you using cash app.
You get notified of the order on hold until you receive the money on your cashapp and provide the services or products ordered.
For more details about this woocommerce extension, please visit
Visit our main site to learn more
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Download our cashapp plugin for Woocommerce at
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The name above this comment
The 👆👆👆👆username above this comment is the best I got my cash app flip thanks for the recommendation guys I’m fucking happy 😊 .
The 👆👆👆👆username above this comment is the best I got my cash app flip thanks for the recommendation guys I’m fucking happy guys…
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I recommend this guy 👆👆👆 just got my cashapp and PayPal transfer from him trusted and tested the name above this comment
I’m so excited ⤴️⤴️⤴️ I found this legit vendor the name above this comment I just got $10,000 on my cashapp right rn I was surprised cos I think I can’t find a legit vendor on this YouTube channel ❤️….
👆👆👆 I’m glad I came across the name above this comment I got 20k from him to my cashapp thanks buddy❤️
Plug-in sends payment but doesn’t process the order as it should. As shown you are having to go back into orders to process the payment. NEEDS ALOT OF WORK
hey, when i try to do venmo checkout it doesnt work but my paypal does. Any solution to this?
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Can you make this app for Shopify