Learn How To Optimize Your WordPress Website With The Rank Math SEO Plugin! It’s A FREE WordPress Plugin that allows you to display your website in google search results.
Go Pro With Rank Math: https://www.darrelwilson.com/rankmath
Part 2 RankMath tutorial (Creating Posts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8K1A8sGBh8
Need A Solid Web Host? Try Namehero: https://www.darrelwilson.com/namehero
Complete Blocksy Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fhRyyAdWFk
If you wanted to jump to another part of this rank math tutorial, the timestamps are below 🙂
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Rank Math Tutorial TimeStamps:
00:00 Intro
02:10 Rank Math Setup Wizard
10:37 General Settings
13:50 Submit Website To Google Search Console
16:15 RSS Feed
17:50 Titles And Meta
27:12 Submit SiteMap To Google Search Console
28:40 Google Analytics
33:21 How To Optimize Pages For Google
39:30 The End!
Check out my other Multilingual WordPress Tutorial Youtube Channels!
Spanish Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Sm53FofDOVA5T0pzyebEA
Arabic Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDxCp7gMbzmNIjUqOCu1xcg/videos
Hindi Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjTje7OJghnjEJ8d4llefQw
Portuguese Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-QXBdlmT0YL3I-bnyeug
French Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLEH_xAh0VxCTSq1AQBYPsg
German Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTkmZD2BCJpedWe4Hb5QVLw
Thanks for watching! If you guys have any questions about the rank math SEO plugin, feel free to ask me in the comments below 🙂 ALSO, feel feel to visit my website at https://www.darrelwilson.com
Hey party people! Learn how to optimize your wordpress website using the rank math SEO plugin, its a free plugin that can help get your website up and running with SEO! As always, make sure to smash the like button!
Hi Darrel,
I have two questions
1. Who we are, contact us, and privacy policy page. Do we archive them or prevent archiving from them?
2. What pages can we add? next to
who are we
call us
privacy policy
does rank math have the equivalent as the yoast indexables ? That sped up my site so much 🙂
SIR Audio editor and screen recorder plz ?
Really love your tutorials.
great video! learned so much, keep up the good work
I've been using the Squirrly SEO for 2 years now and I've done all types of optimization buy my site never ranks. I'm now considering to try something else. Is RankMath better than Yoast Seo?
Do you have a tutorial on fine tuning the seo meta keywords etc mine are all on red.
awesome work Darrel, it really helped me. Thanks for sharing!
Do I select small business site, or personal blog? I do not offer services, I only use affiliate links
Helpful video indeed! Thanks! awaiting more from you on any updates about Rank Math!
Been using rankmath for about a month and this video certainly filled in some gaps for me. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for making this a blessing to watch. extremely direct and obvious ideas that helped my comprehension
This is best tutorial on YT. my teacher also recommends to see your all videos.
You are my unofficial wordpress mentor. Constantly digesting your videos so thank you
Please kindly upload rank math SEO for blog.
Thanks for this tutorial. When I clicked ‘create’ on Google analytics i got an error saying ‘internal error, please try again later’. Do you have any idea why this is happening?
One important query you missed out is I'm already with yoast, so how can i migrate to rank math. Do i need to submit site map again? do i need to verify with google search console again?
I need to know Is this the BEST ONE 😄
thank you so much sharing this video good tutorial godblees
I think you messed up misc pages we had to turn all 4 options
I would like to ask you a question please?
Thank you Darrel for the content you have provided… However, I sort of got an error and I was not redirected to the analytics after updating my google analytics. i got the message…on the website stream details; data collection is not active for your website. if you installed tags more than 48hrs ago make sure they are set up correctly.
Thank youuuuu!! ohmygawd, that was so helpful!!! I just made my website, having 3 articles and found out, that Ahrefs having 404 on my website, google showed my email name as a title to one of the article..wtf)))) I had google consol and didn`t know whats wrong. With you at least I`ve checked all settings in rankmath and made sure there is no mistake. It is still not ok, Google said that if I connected my sitemaps just recently it can take a week for indexing.
Thanks teacher Darrell, I really like it, I have question which one is better rank math or yoast. Also if I didn't use pro version of rank math it won't impact in my website