How to Build a WordPress theme from HTML format. Using Redux framework for options
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HTML Template to WordPress Theme Conversion
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Convert HTML to WordPress Website
HTML to WordPress theme
How to make wordpress theme from HTML Template
HTML Template to WordPress Theme
Build WordPress theme from scratch
adding the <?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/ helped with the stylesheet but it isnt working for my script.js
any idea why?
Akhy, will this redux plugin impact our website load?
Honestly, this is the best tutorial for beginners to start designing wp themes, simple and directly to the point, thank you so much brother, subscribe your channel👍👍👍
can you download template from any website and convert to wordpress theme, if yes please do a video of how to do it. Thanks
Not visible in appearance > themes
I have uploaded my theme in htdocs but it's not visible in browser..
First of all, Thank you for the tutorial it really helped me alot but please am having one issue like with my pages, after i created the link if i click on it it will show 404error. please i dnt know know if you have a solution to it or any video on how to create them. please am already past deadline for the submission.. thank you
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minute 9:52, from where do you have all of these posts?
get the thumbnail image is not working for me (i didn't see that you have set it for a post..) am i missing somthing?
this is the line that return empty string:
<div class="categories__post__item__pic small__item set-bg" data-setbg="<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail_url() ?>/">
Excellent teaching for learner
This is great work, I just watched the video for first 5 minutes and have a great respect for your knowledge and your passion to share it. All content in this video Is not matter of ours, its journey of life time, how we evolves. God bless you man.
The download link to the template file appears to be broken… i cant seem to download the zipped folder.
Man thanks lot your tutorial is wonderful
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<php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> dosen't work …. to geting the css or js or image files…
post the code on github please
I want user register, login, & search in php to wordpress like this video. Please teach me
I separate one html code and put the loop. I have 5 posts in WordPress, but wordpres show only one post? Can you send any code, please?
Please make one with ACF and CPT
Please make a HTML to WordPress with ACF and CPT
Pleaae make project base tutorial, it will help us to learn several Things from one video
Good video, very easy to follow, but so may open tabs made me nervous.
Zabardast Hogaya SIr jee yeh tou,
thank you for best tutorials, Plz send me exemple theme wp in this videos,
hello sir about us , contact us etc, page create .php how to call wordpress
Damn this is extremely helpful. I will have to watch it a few times to get mine right cause I cloned a theme so I have multiple pages but hats off to you cause this is truly helpful!
as salaam alaikum, I have done add categories post dynamic php code then add a new post then it not show on the website.
man thanks a lot for you help me! God bless you
some of the pictures are not shown in the browser. kindly help me regarding this issue.
Thanks a lot man! This video was awesome. I would encourage you to create a course on Udemy, it sells well and there is a huge vaccum of good WordPress devs on Udemy.
Shalom, salem hello bro, always the better still trying here, but a question it is possible from w3layouts, trying but positions of lines are different I am not programmer but enthusiast of become pro in this WP
Thank you so much.
How about security issue?
how can I get this template…
Please help..
Can I also send form data to an API and also integrate payment? If yes, how? Thanks you
Assalam u alikum sir auhail. I have a question. How can I convert a php website to WordPress using cpanel.
Kindly tell which IDE dev platform or editor you used throughout?
Can you please provide HTML template you used