Woocommerce allows us to extend its in-built payment system to write our own native payment gateways with different payment aggregators in our localities. This is especially needed in communities that have more payment methods other than Credit/Debit cards or PayPal. After this video, you should be able to add mobile payments or other forms of payments into your Woocommerce website.
This video 1 out of 7 explains the basics of the gateway system without getting into the coding.
2. Start a real life payment gateway coding in the second video in the series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blLqSVpT7Sk
3. Adding Custom form fields to WooCommerce payment gateway Description – https://youtu.be/q3y0HJEdMfU
4. Add meta to Admin & Invoices from Custom form fields in WooCommerce payment gateway Description – https://youtu.be/6JY0HiycKyU
5. Sandbox Test Payments API for WooCommerce payment gateway – https://youtu.be/UZZzn7euTgM
6. Integrating Mobile Payments API into Payment Gateway from Sandbox – https://youtu.be/vxjl2VXYS1Y
Note: There is a typo at the end of the video with the function process_payments. It has an extra ‘s’ in the name, it should be ‘process_payment’. If you change the name of this function and it should work.
All the code can be found on:
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WooCommerce E-Commerce customizations
== Build Free Custom E-commerce Online Shop using WooCommerce – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk2qFmbexV2SikF8bXqvDW-H
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====== Build Dynamic Websites with Elementor ======
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== Build a custom Elementor Widget from Scratch – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk2pukgHP385ll0ENmRr9E_M
====== How to use WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor ======
WordPress 5.4 Gutenberg Blocks Updates
== https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk0lI2Omhvp54Qn9-MIEhQzX
WordPress Gutenberg blocks for Designers
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Gutenberg WordPress Block Editor tutorials for beginners
== https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk2xOKt79aI12GgX2DX0aNx-
Custom WooCommerce Gateway Development from Scratch
== https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk21IES6ZJ2WkX1BcbPQF4-7
WordPress Custom REST API Namespaces, Endpoints and Examples from Scratch
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====== WordPress Plugin Development from Scratch ======
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Build SMS Plugin with External WordPress API Integration using custom WordPress Databases
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WordPress External APIs Integration Plugin Development
== https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk0U2-5ZBNxSNxQrPO-4CqnR
Convert WordPress to mobile App in Headless WordPress
== Convert WordPress Sports Website into Mobile Application – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk3qMrJcXUeP1Ge5U4fKtAR
Make GraphQL API endpoints with WordPress Headless CMS WPGraphQL Plugin
== https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk03llIgPYGVTwY14lAPDkBp
Customize Your WordPress & ClassicPress
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Custom Dashboard Widgets
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Build Custom Admin
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Learn Git
== Git tutorial for writers + software developers for beginners – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk2PnSJiUw1SCjiS6pNhIR2f
How would you go about adding a shortcode for a Form to the Cash on Delivery Gateway? I can't seem to alter the Description to accept Shortcodes
Sending Love Bro, You are Great
Please posts the github li
good job. Well done, but I have one question, how can I withdraw my profits?
are experience with xenforo
You're doing really a great job. so nice of you.
Hi bro. Thanks a lot for the video. It was quite useful. I wanted to know how I can use return url from the payment gateway to the plugin to finalise the payment.
I have a question how do you view your Plugin files and edit them?
There is a typo at the end of the video with the function process_payments. It has an extra 's' in the name, it should be 'process_payment'. If you change the name of this function it should work.
This video explains the basics of the gateway system without getting into the coding. Start a real life project coding by watching the second video in the series.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blLqSVpT7Sk
can i add my Qr code image in my woocommerce payment plugins
Hey there! Good Video – helped me out, BUT it seems that the instructions added in backend doesnt show up in e-mail and thank you-page. Any advise or help here?
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! one question: is it useful for all countries?
10q for the video it is really helpful, I am trying to pass the total amount in int the checkout page and pass it to the payment gateway using Ajax. I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the value ( total payment amount of the order ) and pass it in a JSON format to the API. so how can I access the value in the Total field. it would really be helpful thanks.
Hi Thanks for the help.
I have a small query.
If I process the payment from external payment vendor (3rd party site). And the payment vendor sends the status with redirect post, what should be the redirect (callback URL) defined in the payment vendor configuration for my payment process or to which url that the vendor should redirect with post parameters?
How to handle that response and display the final response to customer?
I am realy happy that i found your videos about WordPress. Thank you so much for such an amazing video that you made it very simple to add a new payment gateway to Woocommerce. I realy appreciate this.
Thanks a lot! 🙂
Thank you for this great video. There does not seem to be anything out there other than using the available plugins and stripe costs are an arm and a leg.
Now I have a question, I am using a payment gateway called SecuPay (Germany), I can't figure how I will be able to integrate their gateway to a plugin. Thanks again!
I want to redirect to my own url(my payment gateway), with passing the data in the order variable, how can I do that? please provide some help.
Can you make me one
Bro thanks for this I really appreciate what you doing love from Somalia
Great ! thank you /
bro, do you have telegram or icq?
Great video, You can download code from here https://github.com/YTTechiePress/custom-woocommerce-payment-gateway
That is realy amazing!!!
but the question is to create your own payment getway that integrate bank ussd code to your ecommerce web.
Please upload the video if you can
Can this be used to integrate MPESA
I need you in a free lancing integration for my API
Can this be implement with woocommerce block in Gutenberg
TechiePress thank you for this effort. Keep it up
A very helpful video for everyone. How can i integrate the Korean payment gateway in WordPress ? Like : Naver pay, LG, TossPay, Kakao Pay etc
You're doing a great job here … that's surely uncommon here in UG. Great resources and time put into this. Thanks
hello guys i am new to this how is he connecting visual studio code to the WordPress ?
Hi, thanks for the precise video. Allow me go off topic a bit… I need to integrate Flutterwave api into woocommerce, any leads?
What code application is that?
Very helpful turorial. Thank you so much
Guys the problem in the end of this video is just because of a simple typo, the function process_payments has an extra 's' in the name, the real one should be like 'process_payment'. Just change the name of this function and it should work 🙂
btw, this video is amazing, I just needed to add an extra payment method that doesnt even need to make api integrations so this simple code base is exactly what I was looking for and worked pretty good.
Super helpful tutorial! Thank you
how can I add credit card payment ?
Hi… I need assistance with payfast plug-in.. To enable it yo perform ad hoc recurring payment and to support upsells… Currectly when customer purchase on my site tha hey get directed to payfast page for payment n then redirected to my thank you page.. But it does not redirect to OTO pages that ive set up.. Can u assist