If you recently installed WordPress for the first time, you might feel like the WordPress “twenty twenty” theme is pretty dull… and it is! So in this video, you’ll learn how to customize “WordPress 2020” theme to add your branding, change colors, and add menu navigation!
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Complete Step-by-step Blog Setup Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6DeQwPdPu8&list=PLFu0BoE4fNZPxXwCFoqPpI9dc0a6Fn_9J
Setup your WordPress Blog with Namecheap: http://vidpromom.com/namecheap
How to Start a Blog – Step By Step for 2020 (DOMAIN NAME): https://youtu.be/b6DeQwPdPu8
Step by Step WordPress Blog Setup: https://youtu.be/VjBirsb2dkA
Read more: https://vidpromom.com/customize-wordpress-2020-theme/
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Is your WordPress "twenty twenty" theme looking pretty dull after installing WP?? Let's customize the 2020 theme by adding your own branding, colors, and a menu!
Could you show how to install and use Elementor on WP? I like how ur precise and skip unnecessary details.
Really? This women don't even know how to design wordpress. Just a bizzare. Don't use youtube like your home garbage dumping bin
Hi Meredith, thank you so much for this resource! Question, how might I add categories to my wordpress site?
I have followed all your steps (I think) but every option to customize my new website just opens up a blank page. The new menu you mention is not there, the left sidebar just says "you are customizing __ " and a note about widgets. Please help, I was excited to get this going..
Lol the only thing I came to this video for was help with the background image and you say, "we aren't going to do that today." Nooooooooooo lol. It's okay I'll figure it out 🙂
hey thanks a lot, your video is the best to get someone started on this journey… you really made my day.
i will just hit the subscribe button.. your the best on this one 👍🏾
Thank you for this info
How to change the footer from 2 columns to 4 columns?
Thank you for this excellent tutorial. … A question: To the theme Twenty Twenty — is there a way to add a sidebar ?
Still trying to figure it out. Stayed up until 3am trying. No idea why it published as I didn't press it. So frustrating. Thought I was getting somewhere when I found your page I must have done something wrong. I think I just rushed in. I did buy a deal but now I'm stuck trying to sort things out😥
Ok so I'm loosing my head. I nearly followed everything right but now for some reason it says its published and I didnt press publish how do I undo this please help.
This aside im so great to the videos I have watched so far. X but please help
hey how did you add categories already. in mine it shows uncategorized always
thank u meredith, its easy make a post.
How do you make the favicon larger and more visible? I like the round favicons but can't find out how to do that.
Hi! Thank you for your video! Do you know how to get rid of a pop up menu right next to the magnifying glass in the header? Your video doesn't display it, but I have it as part of Twenty Twenty theme.
I am going crazy too! lol. Ad: start a blog in 20 minutes,, Me: I have been here 6 hours and cant get anything to look right, ugh
I was super overwhelmed thank you so much I just wanted to hit the ground running but I didn't know where to start. Can't thank you enough !
Hey thanks for ur vid, I think it would of been more effective if you filled more sections out, you keep saying – we don’t have any of this and that so I felt it’s a bit pointless coz u don’t have anything to show.
Hey Meredith, i just started with wordpress yesterday and im super overwhelmed. i tried to follow along with your video it did help me a little to understand how to navigate the customize windows, but your website layout is very different to mine and so the options are also very different. One thing that's really burning me out is i choose a layout that looks great in the template but once i pick it its just a blank ugly page.. and i cant seem to make it look as pretty as the template. i also really need to find a way to place a customer reviews or testimonials widget but cant find one. any help would be appreciated.. <3 thank you
great video
Awesome video, Meredith! We love your confidence with sharing this knowledge. We just subscribed! We are a digital marketing agency out of Corbin, Kentucky. We post a weekly vlog every Friday and are currently vlogging working from home due to the virus! We hope you're doing well and staying safe! Can't wait to see more videos from you!