In today’s WordPress plugin video tutorial you’ll learn how to add your RSS feeds using Elementor WordPress website builder free plugin in a simple, fast and effective way.
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HOW TO DISPLAY RSS FEEDS IN WORDPRESS FOR FREE? Tutorial To Add Podcasts or Blog Feeds On Your Site
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Website builders are great for helping you quickly create and manage your website. Elementor is a popular tool for building websites in WordPress. It has a great design and professional features, no coding skills required!
Adding content is one of the most, if not the most important, aspects of building a website. Adding a newsfeed widget will definitely help your website stand out, especially since WordPress is one of the most popular on the web.
RSS is one of the most user-friendly platforms that offers a variety of customizable widgets. The Newsfeed widget will help you increase traffic and improve the aesthetics of your website.
News aggregators seem like a very outdated idea — maybe something from the mid-2000s. Surprisingly, news aggregators still get a lot of traffic today, ]because internet traffic is known to equal money.
I bet you probably visit at least a few aggregation sites on a regular basis and probably don’t realize it. Metacritic is a good example of such a site (currently in Alexa’s top 2000 sites). It just collects comments from all over the web, not news. Another example, Techmeme – has become the go-to place for all tech-related stories. Many of us use more creative examples like Panda – focusing not only on text, but also on beautiful visual previews of Behance or Awwwards content.
So if news aggregators are doing so well, why not build your own and take a piece of it? how hard can it be. #wordpress #elementor #rss
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how do you also pull the images though? this looks ugly without the images. I dont want to pay feedly
Thank yo so much. Exactly what I needed
How do I know my rss feed url though? I don't have a podcast to grab it from.
Fantastic Tutorial thank you!
Boaaaa 😃😃😃
Muito bom 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Muito bom =DDD
Very good video tutorial!