Looking to build a free website with WordPress? Well, today we’ll show you the step by step process of creating a small business website for free with WordPress.
This tutorial is for complete beginners looking to create a free website for their small businesses. A free website meaning you do not have to pay anything to create and launch your website online, you’ll have a free domain as well as free web hosting.
You can also read the full article over on our website here:
Now it’s important to note that there is a big difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org and we will dive into this at the beginning of this WordPress tutorial.
How to make a logo:
Complete Canva tutorial for Beginners:
► In this WordPress tutorial we cover the following chapters:
0:00 Intro.
00:26 Difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org
01:40 Sign up for free
02:17 Choose your domain
04:08 WordPress Dashboard
05:43 Site name & identity
06:29 Create a logo/site identity with Canva
08:58 WordPress themes
10:43 Customise primary menu
11:42 Add sub-pages
13:10 Add logo to menu
14:18 Add social media links
17:10 WordPress plugins
17:36 Customise website pages
18:27 WordPress editor = block builder
20:53 Edit text blocks
21:50 Edit buttons
23:27 Change background
26:30 Add new block
27:50 Embed video
29:46 Blog & posts
31:09 Edit or delete posts
31:41 Launch website
33:23 Outro.
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Let me know if you found this WordPress tutorial helpful. Also, if you require any help or support, make sure to get in touch with us today.
Thanks for watching and enjoy creating your new free website with WordPress!
#WordPress #Website
Thank you so much for great tutorial. If use this wordpress free blog as my portfolio website as a free, without adding any custom domain or host, how long can i use this ? Is it gonna free forever like google blogger ?
Wow, I am a newbie in digital marketing and i really appreciate this. For a non-techy like me, this helped a lot. Thanks, be watching more of your videos.
This is extremely helpful. However I am at the step where you go to appearance and click the option menu and that option isn't showing for me? Do you know why this may be happening?
Thanks for the video…When I m adding options in Menu , URL box is not showing…what to do?
this is powerful. .
Well done! Thank you for getting to the point but not going too fast. This was very helpful.
Do you have any video about wordpress . org?
Is it possible to have one website that can serve two audience? For example English and Arabic?
English visitors will only see English written posts, and Arabic visitors will see the Arabic posts only.
Note: It seems that Arabic version of WordPress doesn't contain Menus.
Is it possible to use Google Sites to create a small business website? To me it seems to be easier to handle but they don't have an e-commerce platform?
Do you have any video explaining how to create an e-commerce website? Is there any free website that you can start till the website generate some revenue?
#Theme name is Hever
Ok I lied, I have one more question. On my contact page if someone messages me using the form where does it go to? I am using the free version as you made in this video. I tried using it and sent a message but I never got a notification anywhere. Again thank you for making this video and taking the time to help me and answer my questions. Have a great day.
Hey Stewart, another question for you. Is there a way to have the menu links (Home & Contact) go to a certain place on the same page? I hope that makes sense. Say I have an "about" button in the menu on the top and I want it to go to the about block on my home page. Is that possible?
Hey Stewart, How are you? I hope you and your family are doing well. I was wondering with the free version of WordPress is it possible to have the "Testimonials" section populate itself or do I have to put them in manually? Or is that something I need a "Plugin" for? Thank you for your time and for making this video. Have a great day.
Thank You!!! Very easy to follow and I really appreciate no need to buy to learn!
Thank im like your channel, Welcome to me my Friend suport ,Thank you my Friend
g day dear Steward – howdy
Thank you for this video, Well it would be awesome if you would deliver a presentation that covers the WP 5.9 topics,
like FSE, Block-Theming etc. This presentation meets the needs of many many wordpress-users:
5.9 is so awesome and outstanding new – and here the community needs some amazing, clear and concise educational videos.
Keep up your channel – wordpress is the coolest cms beneath the sun 😉
So there doesn't seem to be any need for Divi or Elemental? With this theme, you can add block, buttons etc the some as those paid ones mentioned?
You are a brilliant teacher. I really have confidence to start now.
You are the best!!! Finally thanks:)
New year new business… thank you for the tutorial. I feel I can confidently create a website without the experience of the a web developer.
Great tutorial THANKS Stewart for sharing it, and how can we find it on the web through google search. I did hit launch website, I did follow all your steps. Is it something else I need to follow where we can see it on the web?
Sir whenever i am trying to edit homepage it will always show blank homepage..can u suugest me what can i do for that
It's a very useful video and nice and clear presentation.
Just came across your channel 👏 As a beginner, your tutorials are very insightful.. Thank you
Great tutorial and easy to follow. Thank you. 👍
I watched your video on how to set up domain. It was dope. Now do I use that email or the one I used to set up the domain
Which account do I use
Great, super easy explained, keep on …. Best of luck!
Please we want like this video but with paid plan?
Also my friend what is the difference between wordpress blog and wordpress website
Really good WordPress video!
Thanks, Stewart, for sharing such informative content. I would like to know where I can find themes that best suits my business niche like it may be affiliate marketing, graphic design, freelancing etc. Also please share how I can install any theme in WordPress in free version