how to create wordpress blog website (bangla) | step by step wordpress tutorial | blog website process
so you want to create WordPress blog website and want to know the blog website process for the client’s website. then keep watching I will walk you through the whole process.
Nowadays blogging becoming very popular. Because not only you can make money online with ads but also can get an affiliate commission. So everyone wants to make money from home. Moreover, you can do freelancing. you can make a website for clients and get paid.
For helping you, I am creating this video. In this video, I showed everything from scratch. Like how to install WordPress theme? how to install WordPress plugin? how to post? How to upload media? Even the whole process step by step. What to do first? What will be the second step? And so on.
I have divided the video into sections so that you can watch the part you want to watch. #wordprss #wordpressblog #championbd
00:01 start
00:40 Install wordpress theme
04:29 wordpress basic settings
05:48 wordpress necessary pages creation
19:34 how to create a menu
25:45 how to post in wordpress
34:35 style oceanwp theme
41:15 blog website result
How to create subdomain in cpanel :
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wordpress theme customization :
Bojale valo holo
প্রথমেই ধন্যবাদ জানাই । আমি আমার ওয়েব সাইট এ এক্সেল ফাইল আপলোড করতে চাচ্ছি এবং তার লিংকটি YouTube শেয়ার করতে চাচ্ছি, কিভাবে করতে পারি বা এ নিয়ে আপনার কোন লেকচার আছে কিনা ।
Thank you
Amazing,Vi er porer part ta kobe asbe
Bhai amr akta website ache Ami chacci akta post porer jonno manner k ১০ ppisha diboo aita kivabr korbo kon paluING a
very good, keep on doing that brother.