In this Dropified Video Training Tutorial, we show you all the necessary steps to get started with WooCommerce in Dropified.
In this video we show you how to:
1. Link your WooCommerce store to Dropified
2. Install the Dropified Google Chrome Extension
3. How to add products from AliExpress to Dropified and your WooCommerce store
4. How to add products from other stores to Dropified and your WooCommerce store
5. Show you our training video section
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Yes, the dropshipping business is really beneficial if we know how to configure our WooCommerce store, sell products on the Internet, or want to test a new range of products without investing too much at the beginning. If, for example, our WooCommerce store is working well but the financial surface does not allow us to find new products quickly, before Black Friday or Christmas, dropshipping can be a good solution to garner a surplus of turnover.