With this free Sign Up/ Login plugin, you can easily create a sign-up and login process for your e-commerce site. This WordPress plugin gives you three simple short codes that you can paste into your site code to create a simple Sign up/Login system for your website.
Free Version Demo Link: http://loginsignupfree.phoeniixxdemo.com/
Free Version Documentation Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LLNYepFeR6TbXVv5CwZRGMEOWuLAq8-L/view?usp=sharing
Premium Version Link: https://www.phoeniixx.com/product/woocommerce-login-signup
Premium Version Demo Link: http://loginsignup.phoeniixxdemo.com
Premium Version Documentation Link: https://www.phoeniixx.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Login-Signup-Documentation.pdf
For any support email: support@phoeniixx.com
For live chat visit our site: https://www.phoeniixx.com
can you please make a video of Woo App plugin
It works but it’s too big for mobile devices. I cannot see the entire pop up from my cell phone. How do I adjust the size to fit cell phone view?
It works but it’s too big for mobile device. It’s cutting the sides off. How can I adjust the size of it to be seen properly on cell phones?