This theme can do things premium themes even can’t do. And it is totally free! In this video, I will show you step by step how you can configure this theme.
With this theme, you can customize the header, add items to any place in the header. For instance: Above the main area, below the main area. Left, right, center. You can configure every item and every row. You can create a transparent and a sticky header and decide on which page it should be applied.
There are global colors, so if you change those, the whole look and feel of your website can change. It will save you a ton of time when you want to change a color. It is crazy what you can do with this amazing theme!
Timestamps of the video
00:00 Intro
00:20 Overview of what we will cover
06:02 My website using the Astra Theme
07:46 Get The Kadence WP Theme
08:57 Customise the width of the website
09:51 Working with global colors
12:33 Configure the title colors
16:08 Configure a Button
17:48 Typography
21:11 Scroll To Top
22:18 Social Links
22:58 Configure the header
23:26 Add a logo
26:31 Configure the Row Settings
27:54 Add Social Icons
29:44 Create a Transparent Header
32:59 Create a Sticky Header
35:35 Change the Menu Font
36:28 The Page Layout
40:28 The Footer
47:52 The Blogposts
53:40 The Blog Archive Page
57:01 WooCommerce Settings
Always provide good content 👌👍 love u 💖 brother 🙏 keep it up
Great content.. Can you please help.. How to remove white spaces between row layout in kadence? I already set the top-bottom padding and margin to 0.. But when previewing, I still can see there is white spaces.. (I used colored background)
Oh and goodbye Astra theme, hello Kadence ?
It looks great, but I got a feeling that everything you showed is also possible with Elementor ? In Elementor it is also possible to change everything, or am I wrong ?
It doesn't show my logo
I love this tuts.. Thanks, Ferd! I'm already convinced. I'm gon' ahead and change muh theme to Kadence from Astra 3 .. <3
is there any way to customize the read more link in the blog list page (archive page) and make it look more like a button?
Hi, I cant upload a logo in the kadence theme. Pls assist.
Hey Ferdy, between Kadence, Astra, and Blocksy, which is your top recommendation? I'm looking for lightweight/fast loading and as many features before having to upgrade to pro, as well as elementor compatibility.
been playing around with astra for a few weeks but I wanted to try something else…I’m sold!
Hoi Ferdy, bedankt voor het filmpje. When i make a transparent header and then make the font white, the font is also white on the pages that don't have a transparent header. In your video the font color is black on the pages you don't have the transparent header. How did you do that?
Hi thanks, I have a question I am using the kadense theme but I am having problem with the default blog page. could you help me please. thank you
thanks ferdy
is it possible to make infinite scroll in single blog post with kadence?
I subscribed because I like Ferdy’s hair
Seriously great content, thank you so much!
Hai, nice how you tell everything. I have a question. My blog page does not show pictures. I have in the "post items layout" the "post items elements" "lay-out feature" on. When I started with the page and wrote a blog, you can see the content and then read more, but you cannot see the image. When you click on read more , you get into the blog content and there you can see the image. What do I wrong? Other question, can you change the "read more" in an other languages? I hope to hear from you
Does anyone have a problem in pages using kadence where you have a white space between the footer copyright area and the elementor sections? I don´t know why this space is there.
Hey great tutorial, altho i am new to website building (3weeks) this vid actaully made me switch from elementor and has helped me a great deal. Looking for some assistance, I am trying to put a plugin in the header but not sure to do it. the plugin is a daily prayer times that I want to be stuck to the top of my webpage is there a way I ca do this. any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi Ferdy. Top uitleg. Top Thema. Hier was ik naar op zoek. Je bewerkt het thema niet in Elementor zie ik, wat wel kan. Doe je dit bewust niet? Volgens mij zijn de mogelijkheden binnen in het thema meer dan voldoende om niet met Elementor bezig te gaan. Wat is het voordeel om toch te gaan bewerken met Elementor? Dank je🙏
Can you use this with elementor envato kits?
Also how do I get the drop down menu working? I have several sub pages but they show as top level pages in the navigation vs a drop down? (Some just don't show at all?
Is the image just below the Kadence header the "Title Area" or is it just a image block that you added? I want to try and have a banner image on all pages just below the header or use it with transparent header.
The video shows what Kadence is capable of… However, it is really annoying when using the "starter sites", as they don't really respond to customizations, a tutorial showing how to create them step by step (inserting the content) would be nice!
Hello – Could you please help to location the option to change the "Spacing between lines" in Kadence free theme?
Are you using Elementor or Gutenberg with it?
So is the purpose behind Elementor theme builder to modify the theme and in the case of Kadence it has built in options that negates the need for Elementor?
Great tutorial! Thank you for this presentation ! What is the template and where to get it ? Can I use any template for this theme? Thanks for your answer. BR
I forgot to ask: how do all these amazing options to customize the Kadence theme via the Customizer play with those you might apply when you use Elementor (and especially Elenetor Pro's theme builder options) for building the site?
Would it be reasonable to use Kadence's options on a general scale and just use Elementor Pro for special areas/pages where Kadence doesn't offer the right choices? If I were to start a website from scratch right now I wouldn't really be sure if using Kadence and Elementor Pro would be better than using the Hello theme with Elementor Pro to have full and convenient control over everything…
That's a nice tutorial on this quite impressive theme. And I do actually appreciate that you're showing it all with a lower screen resolution – it's certainly a lot more comfortable to watch when everything is a bit bigger. It's much easier to focus on what your explaining when you don't have to spot the corresponding area within a 1920 x1280 px display setting.
Apart from that I notice that you don't care to add a bit of letter spacing when you set some text element to capital letters. Doing so, however, has been best practice for ages in order to enable better readabiltiy as text in capital letters almost inevitably tends to look to tight without some reasonable letter spacing. Maybe consider that next time?
I have most of my page created with Elementor with Hello Elementor.
I switched to Kadence but nothing changed on my site.
Even when I apply any changes in the custom, nothing happens on my site
I've followed you for years. Love your content! You have a beautiful family! Thanks for everything!
elementor archive pages doen't work with kadence theme. Can't assign any archive.
Thank you Ferdy for your efforts.
I did exactly as you showed, but the header navigation is showing trigger icon instead of menu in customise mode. Please help me fix it
Hi Ferdy, when you designed the footer, you just drag widget 1 and it shows a logo automatically. How did you set that up with widget 1?
Hello Ferdy, Can have the same customization file from this tutorial please?
Great tutorial! So Phlox with its widget and elemntor's integration is not yet good as before?
Hi there, 😉
I'm a first time WP user trying to do my first website with no budget, so using only free stuff. ✅
Is the free Kadence theme better than other free themes – Astra, Ark, etc.? Any disadvantages or important things missing? Is free Elementor sufficient to work with this? Anything else I need to get that you recommend? 🤔
Many thanks! 😎👍