UPDATE! Wizrd is now JetPage: https://jetpage.co/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=odi-yt-8-25
In this video, I share 3 reasons why you should stop using WordPress for your website in 2023, along with my 6 best WordPress alternatives for specific use cases like Ecommerce, SEO/blogging, affiliate marketing, online courses, and more.
Timestamps for video:
0:56 – Reasons why I’m quitting WordPress
1:08 – Reason #1: Maintenance
2:41 – Reason #2: Lack of performance and security
5:48 – Reason #3: Lack of innovation / product development / too much of a learning curve for non-technical people
7:06 – The 6 Best WordPress alternatives
7:25 – 1. E-commerce
8:34 – 2. SEO / blogging / affiliate marketing
11:16 – 3. Simple brochure/portfolio site with drag-and-drop editing
12:16 – 4. Online courses / membership sites
12:57 – 5. Internet marketing funnels
13:40 – 6. Web designers
14:51 – Conclusion
► Learn Affiliate Marketing for FREE: https://odiproductions.com/courses-programs/?utm_source=youtube&utm_content=8.25.21
IMPORTANT: Make sure to LIKE and COMMENT “Affiliate Marketing Website” on this video if you want me to make more videos on this topic!
► Make a website via Bluehost for less than $3/month (33% OFF Partnership Discount): https://geni.us/websitebuilder
► BEST Email Marketing Software (30-Day Free Trial): https://geni.us/constantcontact
► Get a professional logo or outsource ANYTHING starting at just $5 @ Fiverr: https://track.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=72602&brand=fiverrcpa
UPDATE! "Wizrd" has re-branded to "JetPage" and is now powered by ChatGPT! Since making this video, thousands of people have signed up for JetPage with many 5-star reviews, switching from WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and other website builders with happy results. The addition of ChatGPT and AI allows users to do:
– 1-click Blog article post writing (replaces Jasper AI, Copy AI, and others)
– Keyword research (replaces Ahrefs, SEMrush)
– Generate SEO-friendly blog article titles and ideas
See JetPage AI in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmi0wXwX3a8
Try it for FREE yourself (no credit card required): https://jetpage.co/
I would like to setup Multi Vendor eCommerce, pls advise which tools good to go ?
Wix hahahaha
WordPress is slow that's sure
Great video man, hug from Brazil guys
Thanks for your opinion. I've been struggling with WP for a few years, even if trying to use Divi, even if a photographer in the past, tired of tech stuff and constant learning… I do videoediting for my vlogs and like it, yet codes and lots of text info is not my thing. So I still don't know how to backup WP properly, and it takes forever to rebuild the websites on WP… Now incompatibility issues php updates vs plugins have started to pop up and I realized is that my websites were down often. I used to use Weebly and it definitely has a lot of cons and limitations yet for non-e-commerce websites it was helpful until they stopped showing websites to Russia and Ukraine in 2018.
Re blogs – as someone looking for an alternative to WP the issue is that you can't be sure for how long those competitors (offering alternative platforms) will stay on the market. blogs are long-term projects and you can invest thousands of hours into a blog and then realize that you are losing your likes, comments, audience etc for one reason or another (dependent on the platform itself).
On another note, many people in Eastern Europe and ex-USSR countries are using Tilda, have you tried it? not sure if it has interface in English. I almost switched to it but it is still another subscription (pricey) and also a learning curve. not clear as well what might happen in terms of access to the platform with all those crazy world events. However many Russian and Ukrainian people swear by it. using it for landing websites especially. Not for blogs probably.
Tou missed wix , why ?
I hate Wix, all the time you have to put in order the elements, they get disorganized by themselves, Wix is a really high maintainance sitebuilder and in the most bizarre thing.
You are correct .. wordpress sux balls.. its so easy hackable .. its php which google hates – its slow – its high intensive to keep it going. Im done with wordpress..!
Wow. Bec. I am looking to get off Squarespace with my products
and have a new website made.
Awesome very helpful 🙂
I've gotten tired of WordPress after nearly a decade. I have a golf blog/website that is now offering ad space etc. I've gotten so frustrated trying to add code for a MailChimp pop-up subscribe and affiliate links. I've seeked assistance and the support has been all but NIL.
I stopped using wordpress for years now. I use processwire instead. 😉
I have been struggle with the WordPress since a while and I’m thinking to switch to shopify my e-commerce business but anyone can tell my It’s possible to save my actual domain that I have using in WP to move on the shopify? Is it any yt video how to do that? I will appreciate any help 🙏🏼🙏🏼☺️
I used to like wordpress but since Guttemberg I really hate it.
In 2050: WordPress is not good for 2051 😁
Website optimization is cost matter. Elementor pro $59, Wp rocket $59, Hosting $60(cheapest vps). Amount is okay for united countries. Its a big amount for India, SriLanka, etc..
can i import an existing website
Having a plungin to update other plungin is ew! Good I never started with WordPress how the fuck does the Industry still uses it! It should be a no brainer to realise the risk issues. Some companies are a really shitty combination of being naive and lazy af…
Agree WordPress is a pain and is heavy. But your list is quite sad.
Instead you could have shown the viewers how to turn a WordPress into a static site to make it secure and fast. But then there will be no affiliation link’s 😂
1:40 is the real reason! WordPress is not secure! Always getting hacked😢
Sorry mate, WP rules!
I'm a one-woman show and have run a wordpress website for a loooong time. Tried Wix. Loved it. But at the time it was really bad at SEO and I hate how the use of it doesn't make the code your own. Also, wordpress had SO many options! And it was much cheaper. WAS. This week an update ruined access to posting new posts and pages and making changes. Turns out now I need to alter the code of my child theme. That's over my head and as a one-woman show I can't afford the money to put someone else on the job nor the time to dive into this thing. Also, my website needs a total overhaul, including a new theme. I have postponed it because I dread the debris I'll have to be working in to get things looking clean on the renewed site. So, from this position I've begun to reconsider. Counting the cost it turns out that Wix and my own wordpress website (including theme and premium plugins) are now equally expensive and that Wix SEO improved dramatically from the last time I was on there. Add to that the fact that Wix makes all their fonts locally available, so no risk for being sued because of not complying with GDPR regulations. And safety, indeed. I've got my things rather well in order in that respect. I actually do have 2-factor authentication on a free plugin and fortunately I could easily update my PHP version. But then still. Keeping things up to par takes time. And even though the block building and block posting makes wordpress look easier and more accessible to code nitwits, as soon as there is a hiccup, it no longer is and then you definitely need to invest in time and/or expertise and I think I've come to the point where I just want to focus on my real work, so I might be hopping to a builder.
Still use WordPress and I love it. You dont like? Probably you dont know how to use it. Deal with it.
But WordPress is free and the others are not? How about a comparison to equivalent free and open source options.
at $US 79.00 Per Month I don't think so, sorry shopify. I'm sticking with WordPress…
Thanks for making this!
Im looking to build a site for a high end art gallery, Im looking at building in Elemetor. I wonder if Square Space would be an alternative.
Try ClassicPress.
love this videos but I will stick to WordPress the only website builder where you can build a decent website for free no ads nothing … With my hosting that I payt for I can create multiple websites and for my minimalist portfolio / blogging needs its perfect. I like WordPress…
You're right, I'm continuously having to "fix" something in the wordpress dashboard and after needing one plugin after the other my site has become super heavy and slow. On top of this I'd have to pay someone to figure out how to make it faster now. Too many circles and don't enjoy wordpress personally at all anymore and don't have the time or energy to figure out how to maintain it. Where can I find Wizrd?
what website builder would you suggest for a listing / classified ads website?
Webflow for the win
I think it comes down to what is your niche. We need to focus on our core values and competence i.e if you are selling clothes vs been an instructor (coach) vs you are a news blogger or a filmmaker. Because going forward we will need to integrate our eco systems with AI (to create content). Thanks for the info and I will look into them further.
this is chinese for most people, but i experienced cloudflare and this is a nightmare cause your own viewers are treated as spams and get captcha everytime. i disabled it and installed ninja firewall instead, but i have to disable account creation in addition, which was problematic with memberpress plugin.
WordPress just isn't for your average consumer. That is the biggest issue with WP, it is marketed as a plug'n play website solution, which it isn't!
when u start pleasing everyone ends with no one, thanks a lot for tis.
Oooh thank you for this information and your honest assessment on WordPress. Now, when I have problems with WordPress…it is hard for me to contact tech support and when I finally get someone they are not 100% helpful. I told them that WordPress sucks and it's not user friendly. Thank you for nullifying WordPress as not the best anymore.
Actually, they have turned me off on doing anything on my blog (I was trying to get an SEO job).
like like like
WordPress Core Roadmap : Option to add meta title/description (Q1 2035). Custom feilds (Q3 2060). Multi image field (Q2 2045). Basic Sitemap (Q 4 2055). You can do everything there but very minimal will be done for you (This is the main problem => Just the opposite of tools like Wix or WebFlow). Just thanks to tools like Elementor – WordPress is still at all competitive (For small/medium sites). **The whole idea that Elementor "bypasses" the horrible WordPress interface (Combine with tools like ACF, Yoast and some more plugins).