I’m making this video by popular demand – tons of people have asked for my official “blueprint” plugin stack (the plugins that get installed on every WordPress/Oxygen site by default).
Links below to all the plugins. Many are free, some are paid, and some are freemium.
JOIN THE INNER CIRCLE – https://digitalambition.co/inner-circle/
Canon R6 – https://geni.us/YJEzV2
Advanced Custom Fields Pro (Freemium) – https://geni.us/YYhEP
Metabox.io (ACF Alternative – $) – https://geni.us/t3UBIYH
Code Snippets (Free) – https://geni.us/KF1Vd
Custom Post Type UI (Free) – https://geni.us/7Dda
Flying Press ($) – https://geni.us/IPXqg01
Happy Files Pro ($) – https://geni.us/ZGQiCjc
Header Footer Code Manager (Free) – https://geni.us/8Pe3nd
Oxygen ($) – https://geni.us/Av55F7w
Hydrogen Pack ($) – https://geni.us/QjGa7
OxyExtras ($) – https://geni.us/A9P8v
OxyNinja (UPDATE: I exclusively use Automatic.css now) – https://automaticcss.com
ShortPixel (Freemium) – https://geni.us/goJD
WP Grid Builder ($) – https://geni.us/EPgc9xu
RankMath Pro (Freemium) – https://geni.us/ohNTQqR
WS Form ($) – https://geni.us/1sRNnyX
Is there a plugin I'm not using that you think I should be? Tell me what's good…
I would love to see an updated version of the plugins, justifying the change and focused on bricks.
What do you think of hummingbird and smush in combo with Oxygen? Seems great outside Oxygen but not sure with Oxygen.
Why does shortpixel have so many negative reviews as of recently?
I would trade off both the Snippets and Header and Footer plug-ins for just Woody snippets plugin.
I am adding the following to the setup:
• Advanced scripts (which removes code snippets and header footer plugins)
• Oxy toolbox – awesome oxygen features that saves a ton of time
• My custom functionality – by wpdevdesign (easily include js files etc to oxygen build)
• WP Reset – one-click install pre-made groups of plugins + take snapshots + reset wp to whatever state you want.
• Coming soon & maintenance mode pro
Please make oxymade video!!!
I started with oxyninja, but I way prefer oxymade now.
Would also love to see how you are using frameworks in conjunction with your own style of developing.
How about site security plugins? do you recommend them?
Great lesson on plugin picks. I noticed that you do not enable auto updates, is there a reason not to enable auto updates?
I know your a spokesman for Ninja, I was a faithful user, but man always having issues with it not working properly, won’t import the stylesheets, the last update was a gong show, corrupted a site, they didn’t seem to keen on helping figure out the issue either on FB or through a ticket, in my frustration I purchased just the framework from oxy made because I don’t need templates. OMG, it’s as life changing as WS form, No more Ninja for me. If you haven’t given it a try I would love to hear an honest opinion. You got me on to Rank Math, WS form, and flying press. I know you may be a bit bias towards ninja after all they literally used your ideas. Haha. I finally gave into tailwind after trashing them for so long. Haha so maybe that makes me bias towards a tailwind based system.
Oxyninja vs oxymade would be great. I am leaning oxyninja by your workflow.
Thank you sir.
You can reduce plugins with exporting the code from CPT UI to code snippets
Would be great to actually see your YouTube/recording setup 😅
i am just a beginner but i thought the best is not to use many plugins – more than 5 is not good at all – security and page speed?
OxyToolbox should be on the list too😎 those extra condition are so needed
Can You Please Make A Video Talking About Security ? Thanks
Thanks for the excellent breakdown.
How do you backup your web? what do you use for security? what do you use for spam?
Its this video here that made me consider your inner circle 💪🙏 Thanks sir 👍
Thanks for the video!
I suggest you try Advanced Scripts, it made a huge difference for me. It's like Code Snippets + Header/Footer Code Manager all together and much more. I see you already have Hydrogen Pack and Advanced Scripts it's from the same developer 🙂
yes please video about OxyMade!
Flyingpreess all the way! Absolutely the best out there
'Admin 2020' rocks. It includes the happy files features plus loads more.
I don't like how the styles are inherited using the oxygen design sets.
When you make a new install do you have a setup similar to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzr_qSEB9Xg&t
I'm rebuilding my site, it's the first time using oxygen.
What templates need to create eg blog page, inner page, main and do you create classes and elements?
Do you create a file you can add after installing oxygen? Could you show us this process?
Wordfence, Wp rocket & asset cleanup pro are worth looking at
How to save and install a plugin stack?
I wanna see the review oxymade vs oxyninja
Hi mate, you mention that you can query a Happy Folder folder inside an Oxygen page. Is there any tutorial on this?
Many thanks and congratulations for your great tutorials, definitely the best!
OxyNinja VS OxyMade
You mention in your video that you "brutally modify" your OxyNinja frameworks. Maybe you would consider a video on some of the things you changed and/or your process and decisions on those changes. Also, do you do them on a case by case basis or are you doing them across the board for your basic plugin "stack"?
Really good WP work!
Asset Cleanup is an amazing optimisation plugin if you don't want to pay for FlyingPress and has all the same features (some on the pro paid version)
Really good WordPress video!
How do you handle security? No firewall plugins??
Hello! Check the email with a offer (ConveyThis)
very goog video thank you
Do you use a plugin for security e.g. Wordfence or All In One WP Security?
yes please, Oxymade vs Oxyninja!
Check out swiss knife pro. You can upload fonts locally and host locally. Also enhances the code box in oxygen. Highly recommend it for your stack.
Hey! Came across your channel just as I got into the Oxygen community. Was wondering if you could share any workflow for a new WordPress website? I notice I have to keep on installing WordPress then install the plugins one by one or through cPanel… which is still quite a hassle. If you have any workflow to help this it would be great!