Not sure which theme to choose for your new WordPress Website? We got you covered in this review for our Top 5 FREE Themes for WordPress in 2021!
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Themes & Timestamps
00:00 – Intro/Overview
00:50 – Theme 1: Phlox
02:07 – Theme 2: Deep
03:25 – Theme 3: Ocean WP
04:46 – Theme 4: Astra
06:14 – Theme 5: Blocksy
08:02 – Outro: Hosting Discount!
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Top 10 Best Plugins for WordPress | 2021 Review:
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hi, which theme is faster, deep or suki
If your a new designer or writer don't get Phlox. I nearly ripped off my own head trying to figure that template out. 4 hours later I still have my head but still have a crappy site. Great video thank you but I used Deep.
Phlox theme is showing the full content on home page. How can I reset it?
Thank you
Dale! 😩 come back! 😭 I miss your slower and calmer voice. No offense to Levi, but my brain 🧠 can’t wrap around his teaching style. Even slowing the speed doesn’t seem to help (me anyway).
Me: 🐢🧘🏼♀️🥹
Levi: 📢🐇💨🌪
Thank you for reviewing our Deep WordPress theme. Great work Dale!
However, I need to clarify that Deep theme demos do have real content and are not usually blank, especially on the main page. But some of the demos, due to the fact that some pages must be filled out by the user information, could be left blank.
Dang in 15 minutes you covered all the bases and was so clear & concise. Been watching quite a few videos comparing themes. Although I'm a beginner, I am going to use Blocksy for 2 websites. Definitely subscribing to your channel
Good job
THANKS FOR THAT CONFIRMATION ABOUT BLOCKSY and I am a beginner but was looking for the best to learn and know THANK YOU!
u svd m dy
ocean WP is not free theme,or i'm searching in the wrong place?
What would you guys say would be the best theme if you plan to start a publisher page? I mainly plan to publish content articles (SEO focused). But I can't decide wish theme to go with. 😀 Any input?
hi. Thank you so much bro: for those. WordPress Themes
keep it low bro… annoying
I'm hooked!
okay so Blocksy or Astra? on the channel you seem to mostly use Astra but here you say Blocksy is your favorite.. Which is better?
What do you think of heista?
Still gotta say Dale… prefer when you do videos. Your delivery is more calm and engaging and you don't sound like a chipmunk like your friend there. Not hating. He does better than I ever could.
Awesome video. Thanks so much. Enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Keep up the good work!
what do u think about Flash theme?
hi levi can you make a plugin with laravel and customize theme with sass or css?
What do you guys think about Porto WordPress Theme? I can't find too many english tutorials on this theme. Is this theme good? Does it worth? Is it easy to work with? What do you think?
please respond my email, i have sent money to you online to buy a wordpress plugin and didn't get it while i sent the money
guys now profreehost has disappeared and freenom does not sp free domain anymore. What should I do apart from purchasing one? :'( pls help
Hi, thanks very much for such helpful and educative video this your wonderful free course has really helped me a lot to create my own website from the scratch but please the problem I am facing is that all the motions sections and the animations including the videos on the background are not loading when I used windows explorer and some other browser but it looks well on Google chrome browser I am using Caching plugin but still I personally caching the browser but is problem not solved I have checked with different PC's and I see the same problem please can you help me fixed that thanks
A tutorial with blocksy is a must then.
Your lectures are really helpful for beginners.
And I wanted to say that just start App developing with same method easy and reliable. Your team work is fabulous.
Hey good video !
Could you tell me what is the best way to build a site for affiliate (WordPress , VPS , Cloud…something else )⚡
Really good WP work!
Hey it's a handy video
Could you make a special video on blocksy, please.
It would be very helpful !
Sir .. I am new subscriber . please sir . You talk to fast
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➡️➡️️ 》》 《《
♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
來調味食物煮的時候 1617276914
Amazing content. It’s wayyyy too fast. Stick to Dales speed.
Do plugins and certain themes slow down a website? If so which are the best (and easiest to use) for a fast and smooth running website? Sorry if this is a basic question, I'm just starting out…
Talks too fast… Blink and you've missed it.
I have one problem, with my website
Hi can we remove footer credits of these themes? I'm using a free WordPress theme for commercial purpose, is it illegal to remove footer credits?
Very helpful 👍👀😐🙋😀
Niceee 🔥🔥