Wanna know how to fix WordPress after a plugin update went wrong? Search no more.
In this video, I’m going to give you a detailed step by step tutorial on how to fix your site after a WordPress or plugin update failed.
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So you’re prompted to update WordPress to the latest version, or maybe some plugins have updates available. You hit update…
Most of the time, these updates run without a hitch and you get on with your day. But sometimes… just occasionally… an update GOES WRONG. Maybe something broke on your site after the update, or even suddenly no site at all, just the blank white screen of death where your website used to be.
However, this is not a cause for panic! In this video, I show you exactly how to troubleshoot and fix your WordPress site after a plugin update goes wrong.
UpdraftPlus—restore WordPress without admin access:
Plugin Detective:
WP Rollback:
WP Downgrade:
How to switch ON Debug Mode:
How to fix the maintenance error issue:
How to increase PHP memory:
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Music by: David Cutter Music
#WordpressUpdate #SiteDown
Have any horror stories on how a WordPress or plugin update made you panic? Please share them below!
Clueless,anything i tried is not working
Thanks…..just fixed my problem
Tnx ,this helpt me out ❤
Omg lol, you have the same accent than "M. Poonch" Tony Jeffries 😂
But thanks for the tutorial
i can not upload detective plugin it comes up as this site can not be reached
Hi @DesignBuildWeb , I have an issue that I can't solve, I can't do any updates or install any plugin, I always get an update filed or -1. I deleted the .maintenance file and followed the steps in the video but the error persists and I get the same message "Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.". what am I not doing right? Would you be able to help me?
Thank you so much for this ! Life saver but also my widgets and side bar didn't come back I hope I have a back up once I installed element or again
Thankyou for the help Dave!
This is the only helpful video about the matter I have found so far, thanks for helping me. Working even in 2022.
Thank you so much, you saved my day, I was having problems with elementor plugin the button was not working properly, and your tutorial solved the problem, God bless you
Thank you so much!! I accidentally broke my corp companies website and was shitting myself! Life saver!!!
ive tried this and when it restores the page fully and ask "is the problem fixed", i say yes but when it gets to the end there is no culprit, & if there is 1, i deactivate & reactivate & this still does not restore my pages. Can you help me?
How do you fix this elementor error, please? )
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare elementor_load_plugin_textdomain() (previously declared in /home/swaaypxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/elementor.php:67) in /home/swaaypxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor#/elementor.php on line 66
After I updated my website the contact form 7 plugin is failing to load ?
Hi I stumbled onto this video recently. My website frontend is working real well but few things on the back end isn't working well. The customizer isn't working at all. Teh default post editor is bad too. pls help
haha holy crap thank you very much. somehow wordpress managed to automatically roll back everything, must be a 6.0 deal. definitely backing this up better from here on in. if anyone's using easywp with namecheap they have a free backup and as well i ran into some strange issue where the sftp access they give me kept on throwing permission errors when trying to edit wp-config.php but they're bogus.
your amazing thanks so much
You r a great professor 😉
The plug in won't work for me I keep getting error message "403 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access this resource" 🙁
Thanks for answering another Elementor question!
I am facing this problem right now. I don't have FTP file software in on my server they are asking me to download it. pHp files didn't contain the plugin option.i am stressed(
Last week, I upgraded my website from WP 5.2.14 to 5.9.1. My hosting company, Bluehost, said they were updating servers. In preparation for this, I did a site backup on BH, then checked all my themes and plugins to make sure they were updated. I checked them all to make sure everything was compatible with 5.9.1 and they were. The only thing remaining, was a request to update WP 5.2.14 to 5.9.1. Since all looked good, I did the update via the button within my WP Dashboard. Seemed everything went well. After the process was done, I went back through my website. Although almost all parts of the website are fine, the home page, which has photos and text, shows everything for a nanosecond, then goes white. Panic attack. I had done everything that I thought was correct, only to have this failure which is freaking me out. Now I'm half afraid of trying anything else for fear of causing more damage. What started all of this was because with the move of the servers, they are saying my PHP on my website needs to be updated to 7.4 (I currently have 7.3.32). Normally, in the past, I have not done the WP update myself, I've just received an email from WP saying my site was upgraded. When that has happened, I check the site and everything has been fine. This time, doing it myself, disaster. Your presentation is really good (although for us not quite techies, really fast) but I'm not quite following everything to tackle this. Would love to hear your thoughts.
I have been having a problem with the Woocommerce and Jetpack plugins. They seem to clash with each other on my site. I updated Woocommerce and it caused a fatal error, then I got an email saying that Jetpack was also causing a problem. I always seem to have this issue with just those two plugins whenever there is an update. I deactivated each plugin and reactivated all of them except Woo-commerce and Jetpack. I am trying to figure out what the actual problem is so it doesn't keep happening.
Could you also make a tutorial for dark mode users?
Great tutorial, exactly what I needed. But…I guess watch out if you created your WP site in "multi-site"…:/
Plugin Detective is missing requirements and has been deactivated. Please make sure all requirements are available.
Plugin Detective doesn't support multisite (yet)
Nathan & Natalie