In this video, I show you how to make a WordPress website in one hour. I have a ton of 3-7 hour tutorials on how to make a website from scratch but a lot of people just want to get the job done. That is why I created a complete website and give it to you for free, so you can save a lot of time and create a WordPress website in a short time.
After importing the WordPress template you can remove all the parts you don’t need, add your own colors and logo and save a lot of time.
Example website:
Download The Template:
Follow Up Tutorials:
SEO Tutorial:
Convertkit Tutorial:
Elementor Tutorial:
Overview With Timestamps:
00:00 Intro
00:43 How To Make A Website In One Hour
04:08 Get A Domain Name And Webhosting
12:34 Install WordPress
15:26 Clean Up Your WordPress Website
17:04 Download The Ultimate WordPress Template
19:05 Install The Ultimate WordPress Template
22:45 Create A New User
Configure Your Website
24:21 An Overview Of The Website
26:21 Adjust The Colors Of The Website
29:11 Add A Logo To Your Website
30:50 Choose Website Colors From Your Logo
33:32 Create A SEO Friendly Title
35:31 Adjust The Homepage
45:16 Use The Navigator
47:19 Copy And Paste Styles In Elementor
49:34 Adjust The About Page
50:56 Adjust The Main Menu
53:34 Remove Plugins You Don’t Need
53:34 Adjust The Services Page
58:45 Create A Portfolio
01:04:31 Save Your Work As A Template
01:07:04 WordPress Blogposts
01:11:08 Adjust The Contact Page
01:12:07 Adjust The Footer Area
01:13:39 Conclusion
01:15:01 Thank You
I believe that making a website these days is easy. And I have made it even easier for you by showing how you can set up a professional website for yourself within 1 hour. I have a lot of 3, 4, and even 7-hour tutorials where I show you step by step how to make a website, but a lot of people just want to get the job done without following hours and hours of tutorials. That is why I created a complete website FOR you that you can adjust yourself. So instead of building a website from scratch, I show you how to import a complete website and remove the parts you don’t need, adjust the content to your wishes and change the colors of your website in a few clicks.
When we import the WordPress Website we will optimize the website to get a better SEO score, adjust the styling of the website by changing the logo and changing the colors in the website. We will use Elementor to adjust the website. Change text, images, remove sections, etc. I will show you in this WordPress tutorial how to do this.
This WordPress tutorial for beginners shows you how to make your first website in a short amount of time because I created the website all ready for you. It is optimized for all devices and helps you to have an amazing website up and running in a short amount of time.
It even comes with a WooCommerce webshop, a simple product, variable product, digital product, downloadable product, affiliate product, and a grouped product. You can adjust those products, copy them, or ad brand new ones.
It also included a portfolio where you can showcase what you already have done for clients. If you are missing something, let me know and maybe I can add it. The WordPress template or complete website will improve over time.
Ferdy you are amazing..Thank You…Please keep up the Great Work you supply…
Thanks again for your great tutorials , i have an issue with import the "Ultimate-template" it will stuck after about 50% …
How do you remove the "TRENDING NOW" section just above the Footer?
Hi Ferdy, Thanks for all you do for us with your tutorials. QUESTION: I have a page with Elementor Pro and the Blocksy theme – would I get any challenges if I import the "Ultimate-template" – and will my existing pages be overwritten…?
When you make updates what is the procedure to apply the updates to websites that are already deployed using this template? is there a notification when there is an update? Thanks
Hello Fredy, You are the one and only one person I like regarding in WP Design and Development. You are work is mind blowing and you are the best man. The way you provide the resources thats fab. Can you please make the Multivendor Food Delivery Website with location services. I am new to the WP and your way to learning is the best and best and best. Lot of love and keep teaching to new comers like me. All the very best.
What to do If you are too lazy to do all these actions? My life is shit(
Do you have a video on prepping for a WP site build – for example a folder of images AND WHAT SIZES work best? For example potential full width images, smaller images, logo size (for header) etc. In order to save hosing space and especially site SPEEDS. ie: pixel dimensions and resolution recommendations – a CHEAT sheet would assist
Also, please stop using the following phrases: over here, click here, click over there etc. USE WORDS – it get's confusing and I am wearing out my pause and backup button
I know you have made your MOUSE symbol large, but it would GREATLY HELP if your mouse had a YELLOW highlighted halo to it – I often CAN'T FIND where you are at !
When buying plus cloud, do you have to pay 1 year at once or 5usd every month?
I have installed and use your template and appreciate your huge work. Thank you! Two questions:
1. You use the Blocksy-Theme (instead of Astra). Do you want to make some tutorials about this theme or compare both?
2. You ímplemeted nothing concerning security. Don`t you want to recomment anything or is there already something implemented or do you trust the provider … ? Is there a security strategy you recomment?
Good at Affiliate marketing….Very clever
I am using Divi as an alternate to using Elementor. Why? Mainly because some of the modules I wanted are only in the Pro version of Elementor and they came with Divi. Call me cheap but I am always trying to conserve my $$$. What do you think of Divi compared to Elementor? I would love to hear your opinion. Thanks for the great tutorials and your sense of humor!
As usual amazing tutorials, thank you for your time and efforts, we learn a ton from you. LOT OF LOVE
hi, I have company webpage and I created with WP, & I have employees emails, So how I can let them login to certain page using just their company email & password with my web domain and when I asked them to change the password they can access to that certain page without change any thing in the login page ?
Or how I can connect the company emails & password to that login page which make the employee to login directly to that page and not allow the intruders or anyone able to login unless>>>Thanks
This is an awesome tutorial. Lots of love from Johannesburg.
Once I want to import the ultimate website package – I cant, because it says the maximum file size is 8mb
sir for god. sake am saying 2 u 1000 times. plz make tutorial on it that. how we can make database website in wordpress like php. plz sir. plz
Thanks for this wonderful Tutorial. The link to the theme page is not working.
When I add pictures, they is always some white space bellow so can't had shadows to the BOX..any fix for that ?
What is the renewal price?
What about security of this template? How secure is this template from hackers? Thanks
I have a question! here template & theme are the same things?? can anyone clear it?🥺🥺🥺
Bro like your tutorials much, is it ok to build a free WordPress website without paid hosting or the use of any tool?
Sir ferdy, I have a doubt !
How Can I add affliate product to cart?
Is it possible? If yes please say how
cant get past my hero
Have been trying to import the ultimate template for the 6th time now, but it still get stocked please can you help me to import it? Please
Hi Ferdy, thanks for your video and the website template that you have created, it is great and most helpful. Sometime could you create a video on how to increase the upload size of All-in-one Migration when one is using a hosting package other than Cloudways. Many thanks.
What is the best free theme to use? In the past you have used Astra, and on this one you have used Blocksy, is there a benefit of one over the other? Cheers.
HI there. I downloaded the Ultimate template but the e-mail that was sent did not have the username and password as per your example. I have now uploaded it into WordPress but when I try to log back in it wont accept my username and passwords. What to do?
Ferdy please make a video how to make stunning affiliated blog website fast and clean please
Thank you for the amazing tutorial. I have been trying to build a WordPress website using Desktop server first. Is there a way I can use use this approach – customizing your website on Desktop server?
Hi. Really love your tutorials. I have a question. Any suggestions on how to layout a page that has a list of journals and articles over different years. Want to make it look better than just a list. thanks so much.
Please come back with your crocoblock series.
You always come up with new ideas and a problem-solving approaches. Thanks, man.
Hi, just asking… but is there a video that is specifically for dropshipping websites?
Hi Ferdy, can you please create a deep link shortening site such as ( urlgeni ) to open YouTube links from Facebook directly on the YouTube application to get likes, views, comments and subscribe.
Merci beaucoup frère, je t'admire, j'adore tes tutoriels. Moi j'ai petit problème que je voudrais que tu m'aides, en faite je voulais savoir, une fois qu'on heberge gratuitement un site WordPress sur 000webhost, comment enlever le mot 000webhost sur le site. Merci beaucoup
I use an extension on my website that transfers all images into Google's webp format. It also keeps the original format for old incompatible browsers. I think webp is the best format for image files.
What theme is best for this template? And are there a footer and header templates included? Thanks!
I watched this right after i got the email notification because i knew it will be good. I want to ask is this royalty free to use?
Love the tutorial Fredy patiently waiting for the one on building a pro and premium affiliate website Fredy thanks
Ferdy, you are beautiful!
Erm yes I’ve been at it for months and am nowhere. Barely a page finished. I’m using Elementor Pro but it feels like I don’t know how to properly design it the way I want or just get it done. It’s been months and I’m nowhere.
but a lot of people just want to get the job done without following hours and hours of tutorials
I do not understand why Ferdy has typed this I am baffed and confused.
I would love Ferdy for dig down dirty deep and show me every tiny aspect of building a website.
There are so many features that are skipped that I could benefit from but are left untouched for lack of knowing how it makes it work.
So for me the longer the tut the better it is.
So if there is a 20-hour tut I will sit with a laptop to my left and my desktop to my right that makes following Ferdy in true step-by-step details.
I would be so lost if not for this amazing creator.
Ferdy, I wish I lived next door to you, but with your tuts, I feel like you are right beside me.
Ferdy is the BEST
Guys if you think Fredy is good
just you wait
There is a Fredy Jr in training
Ferdy has a SON