Learn How to Make an AMAZING WordPress Website in 2020 with this easy STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL for Beginners!
Get a Domain Name and Web Hosting (note – I’ll earn a small commission and you’ll earn a discount when you use this link):
Website Template (Elementor):
Follow Along Images:
Step #1 Get a Domain Name and Web Hosting 2:57
Step #2 Install WordPress 8:57
Step #3 Activate a New Theme 13:05
Step #4 Activate Plugins 14:27
Step #5 Customize Your Website 16:33
Step #6 Create a New Contact Form 59:15
Step #7 Customize Your Header 1:08:43
How to Make a FREE Logo 1:09:42
Step #8 Create a New Page 1:26:30
Step #9 Create a Blog Post 1:28:57
Step #10 Edit For Mobile and Tablet 1:32:17
Step #11 Publish Your Website! 1:35:56
What is Web Hosting:
What is a Domain Name:
How to Secure Your Website From Hackers:
How to Get a Professional Email:
How to Backup Your Website:
My Website :
Create a Pro Website Instagram:
Create a Pro Website Facebook:
Dale McManus Instagram:
And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to Create a Pro Website for more awesome website tutorials:
I am very new to creating a Website. You tutorial is SUPERB !!! Very clear step by step instructions. Kudos. Thank you very much.
Why wouldn't we use elmentor for the blog Posts?
Hi there! When I click "Enable on Complete Website" to make the header transparent, nothing changes. Do you have any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
I've lerned much more from you then from my teacher. Awesome chanal thanks Dale!!!!!
Does this type of website help with affiliate marketing?
WOW! This may be the best technical tutorial I've seen, excellent job.
All the way from South Africa :)Thank you, this was extremely helpful.
keep posting videos i had great learning.
Hello, this is an amazing guide but, I have a question for uploading images to a blog post which is better, uploading images from the media library or using image link URL widgets? Which is better for copyrights and site performance?
all your comments sound so fake
my only question is how come the web template link converts file to a pdf file? I have tried to use an online converter, but have had no luck
Thank you so much! I have spent way too much time trying to set up my website. I have viewed several other tutorials, but none of them were as comprehensive and easy to follow as yours is. I wish that I would have found this months ago! Now I can start crushing it!
Imagine getting halfway through this amazing video , then you have to start over because you been up for hours , trying to do it on your own
Just one thank you is not enough,… THANK YOU so much for your help, literally the last 3 days I followed you step by step and I managed to setup my site through the bitnami wordpress. I need now just a few things in order to complete it. 🙂
Regarding the hostgator, I liked very much their plan, but I am from Greece and I need a domain which ends with .gr, as I think the .com will not help me. Do you know if there is any way to do it through hostgator, but with .gr ? And if I cannot do it with hostgator, I still will be able to put what I made to another hosting?
Thank you very much.
Love how the tutorial skips over the part where you have to wait a decent chunk of time for your control panel to be available if you have just set up your account! I'll park this tutorial for the next 24 – 48 hours while my account is validated!
Hello, I want to create a daily banner with elementor Pro in WooCommerce and set a number of discounted products with a reverse timer. Is there a way to do that?
Your step-by- step examples are easy to follow
"It's the best way to make a website."
Uh wrong.
Writing the code yourself is the absolute best way to make a website…if you have the time and resources.
WordPress is great for small businesses that don't have those resources available to them to make a truly great website.
WordPress is not that secure and no matter how many plugins you download it will never be as customizable as a custom built website.
Hi Dale, I posted a comment on another one of your videos, but this is the video I really wanted to comment on for those who aren’t sure if this is the right video for them! If you are new to blogging or wanting to start a website Dale’s videos are the ones you want to subscribe to! I started trying to start a blog on my own but I was so lost and oblivious to what I was doing so I , like so many of you started searching for tutorial videos on YouTube to learn how to do this stuff, but none of those videos gave me what I needed because they either rushed through their tutorials or skipped through a lot of important steps! Thank God I came across Dales Videos! He takes his time and explain in simple terms step by step and go into detail on everything you are searching for! His voice and patience is so warming and welcoming! He is a godsend! So it will do you good to subscribe to his videos! Love you Dale! Good luck guys! This is Teresa Cornick, (not sure why my post popped up under my mother’s name on my iPad! Lol
This is a great tutorial, unfortunately I built the whole thing on home as opposed to homepage is there a way to remedy this?
You have the patience of a saint. Thank you.
Dale, Ben my name is Lee silberlee053@gmail.com please tell me how I can create a Pro Website, and make 150k a month like you? Also where is your company located? P.S. How much does it cost too make as you claim 150k a month with your knowledge?
Really excellent tutorial. I wish I had watched it before I waded into my riscorick.com site. Nevertheless, it has given me the confidence to go back and fix what I think I missed, plus enhance the design. Thanks. I intend to rely on you for lots of what I hope to be able to do in the future.
Great information, one problem i do have is that my hero image at the top of the page does not show on my mobile phone, all it shows in a stock wavey line image, the correct image instantly appears when i rotate phonr 90 degrees. Any ideas what I need to do the change this?
Wow, just wanted to hop on and say thank you so much for this video. I've used your template and i'm sooo happy with how my website has turned out. Would I be able to add woocommerce to this? Also do you have a tutorial on how to embed a mailerlite sign up into wordpress??
Ok Dale you are a great help. But I just can’t get it right. How do I merge my logo you help me make over to website
The best web hosting
Is there a way to start creating the website without a domain name (if the name is not yet finalised)?
should I be using wordpress.com or wordpress.org?
It is the best tutorial ever. I was so lost and desperately looking any piece of info and there it is. Thank you so much
Thanks for the video!!!
Can I use GoDaddy to buy my domain name instead of hostgator? And is it the process the same process after?
Great vid. I have been avoiding additional 'potential' expense but after playing with Elementor it is pretty cool no matter what level of expertise you have. BTW I did try the Bookmark references for the top navigation; they work fine on the home page, but if I navigate off to a post or another page, they break. Not sure if I missed something but unless there is a fix then it's not such a good idea for a primary nav.
You can this my dear brother from here @t
Thank u so much.I am a pro now bcos of ur lessons.Keep blessing me like d@
1:47 my whole life changed with the help of, e z g o o d p a y .c o m
You literally deserve a Nobel prize for what you are doing! It is soooo difficult to make a website when you are new to it all. You explain everything so clearly. Thank you!
Hi, this would really help me a lot! Thank you so much for creating this video! New subscriber here! 😊
I wish I could hug you right now! God bless you in everything your business thank you from the bottom of my heart I appreciate this video and all your work