Learn How To Setup Yoast With Your WordPress Website. The Yoast Plugin Will Help Increase Your Website Presence and Visibility and help bring in more traffic from google search results, plus it’s really simple to get set up, and it’s completely free.
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Visit My Website at https://www.darrelwilson.com
00:00 Intro
01:49 Installing Yoast
02:25 Setup Wizard
06:35 General Settings
07:40 Google Search Console
11:32 Submit Sitemap
13:12 Search Appearance
26:36 On-Page Optimization
33:25 Post Optimization
40:55 More SEO Practices
More links:
The demo website is https://www.darrelestate.com which is from a real estate tutorial of mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=807jMu-MNzA&t=6439s
The theme I used is here: https://www.darrelwilson.com/houzez
I use namehero for hosting, you can get 70% off here only: https://www.darrelwilson.com/namehero
More About Yoast:
The Yoast plugin helps optimize your WordPress website for search engines like google, yahoo, and bing, you can change the way your website appears in the search engines. It can really help increase the organic growth of your website as well. In this Yoast SEO tutorial, I will cover all the things you need to know about the Yoast SEO plugin. The Yoast plugin also has features for people to share and identify your website with image sharing, another great way to get more exposure and I will cover more about this in this Yoast SEO tutorial.
For more tutorials like this, visit my website at http://www.darrelwilson.com
Whats up Party People! If you are using the Yoast plugin and want to configure your website with it,, i this video ill show you how to do it step by step 🙂 NOTE: Sorry for the dark room, the lights lost power during the creation of this tutorial! :p
amazing guideline really thankful for your videos and the way you walk through every step is unbelievable.
How long does it take for Google to change my live website appearance????
Thank You ….
Hello! Cool video! Can i sort my query string url's with yoast? I mean the product filter and brand filter url's are making 5xx errors on search console. Is there any way to do it with yoast? I have premium licence. Thanks for the help.
Great video. I do have a question for you, how did you get the section labeled properties (17:30 mark or so)? I having propbably adding properites in Google and I am curious if something like what you have on your site may assist me with my indexing issue.
why i get Verification failed in webmaster control even after i insert the tag and save it
Do you have to say "go ahead" all the time? Your video is probably very informative but I can't listen to people who don't speak properly.
Darrel, this is such an excellent video. I have one question. The picture google shows in the mobile settings, is an old one. Can anyone advise on how to update it? Thank you 🙂
I will try again..very good video…-have you any suggestions as what to do if you are rebuilding your site with a new theme etc and already have yoast in place on the old one…the site layout will be different as well….Thanks Darrel!!😀
Thank you ! Your are A Legend….
Seriously, you are a life saver! So much better than the videos in the Yoast academy. I'm a total beginner and this was so easy to follow! Thank you.
Thank you Darrel! Your information was absolutely awesome!
Thank you for the video tutorial with very clear instructions! 🙂
Hi Darrel, can I change from RankMath pro to yoast premium?
Thank you. I cannot believe how much that helped!
You are wow.
Thanks a miliion
Appreciate your time and dedication – Very useful
Has there been a recent major update for Yoast.? The layout in your tutorial is different to what I'm seeing in my WordPress. Thanks for everything you do Darrel.
Very insightful, thanks!
ty alot for the guide. its well explained and easy to follow !
Good morning thanks for this video please how do I add meta description on the video u did I couldn't see the link properly to type my meta description please like which url did u enter to copy the Exsempt
is the same YOAST work for eCommerce websites as well OR for eCommerce, do we need something else?
Hey Darrel, Thanks for the vid tuto, I appreciate. I think it needs an update 'cause it is not the same Yoast SEO I have compared to the one you use in your tutorial. For example I don't have the properties tag and etc… thanks again.
Great video darrel!
thank you this was very interesting and simple
Good video.
Why isn't my website ranking on google?
How does SEO work?
Nice tutorial on the topic of SEO, which is quite an important yet misunderstood part of creating a website.
How to understand if my business need SEO?
Does Google have a limit on indexing content?
How do I make my page more relevant?